RPost’s RSign E-Signatures and RMail E-Security Now Offered by Tech Data to Cloud Service Providers Everywhere and Through Dell to Customers.
June 3, 2021
Tech Data is the latest global technology distributor to commit to distributing RPost’s feature-rich and more affordable RSign e-signatures, and all-in-one RMail e-security services to cloud service providers and IT consultancies everywhere. Tech Data one of the world’s largest technology distributors.
With RMail’s latest AI-infused RMail Recommends™ release, this will mark the first e-security release through Tech Data that uses AI to boost email security while automating in-the-moment end user security training. Most users install RMail to run inside Microsoft Office 365.
With RMail’s latest AI-infused RMail Recommends™ release, this will mark the first e-security release through Tech Data that uses AI to boost email security while automating in-the-moment end user security training. Most users install RMail to run inside Microsoft Office 365.
“We’re looking forward to bringing RPost’s smart RSign e-sign and RMail e-security to Tech Data’s partners everywhere; those looking for the combination of feature richness plus more affordability, friendlier to work with plus simpler to use,” remarks Zafar Khan, RPost CEO. “With our international reach combined with our security and compliance focus, we see RMail’s recent security AI update that runs inside Outlook as something that will make Microsoft 365 simply better for business, for all of Tech Data’s customers.”
With RSign’s feature-richness, this will make e-signature services more affordable and more financially beneficial to Tech Data’s customers everywhere, with a globally accepted e-sign service that has been enjoyed by customers for two decades, simplifying user experiences, and assuring access to the feature granularity digital transformation artists require in today’s API/automation world.
“What MSPs and IT experts everywhere have come to appreciate is that RMail is not just email encryption. Most of our customers already use Office 365 and have access to security in some manner. But when they start to look at what RMail includes, they see RMail really as SMART-as-a-service. We’ve been humanizing e-security,” adds Khan. “Then when you add the feature-richness of RSign, and how both are accessed elegantly from within the Office 365 or Gmail interface, and presto, you have a perfect combination of e-security plus e-signatures. And best of all, we’ve made these more affordable, we’ve democratized the best in e-signatures with more flexible plans, more simple user experiences, and more beneficial arrangements for MSPs and their clients.”
“Dell asked us how they could quickly build RSign and RMail into their global cloud offerings, and Tech Data stepped up and said yes we can, we can supply RSign and RMail to Dell to support their customers worldwide looking for the best in e-sign and e-security,” remarks Adrian Velazquez, Director RPost LATAM. “And, we’re pleased to report that Dell is now onboarding RSign and RMail through our new Tech Data partnership.”
By adding a Tech Data global partnership, complementing RPost’s existing global software distribution agreement with Ingram Micro, and regional and local agreements with specialized distributors like Frama Communications in Europe and eDist for legal and health care companies in the Americas, RPost is making its RSign e-signature and RMail e-security services available to all businesses everywhere, in ways that appeal to the local nuances of how people access technology and do business.
About RPost:
RPost is a leading e-signature and cybersecurity company providing email security, compliance, and e-sign productivity services, used by more than 25 million worldwide over two decades. RPost has set the global standard for secure and certified electronic communications, with more than 50 patents granted on its core Registered Email™ technologies, used everywhere to track and prove email delivery, encrypt email, protect from imposter email, secure large file transfers, and manage e-signature transactions. Recipient of the World Mail Award for Best in Security, Best Innovation in IT Award in Germany, and voted Top Choice for GDPR Email Data Privacy Compliance, RPost services are in use in nearly every country in the world, within Global Fortune 500 companies, and endorsed by the most influential industry associations. Learn more at RPost’s website.
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