Remember the movie There’s Something About Mary from the late 90s? A lot of it hasn’t aged well. Certain words are used that would get most people cancelled these days, but it still stands as a pioneer in the field of raunchy comedy.
Vertafore, Applied Systems, iManage, and NetDocuments Users Are Switching to RSign for eSignatures What is modern marketing without hoopla? Our friends at Wiktionary define hoopla as “a bustling to-do, excited speech, or noise.” The term’s origins are uncertain, but it probably comes from the French houp-là or oup-là (meaning “upsidaisy”), a cry of various animals close to […]
RMail AI Automates Email Encryption for Security of HIPAA Related Email From Within Its Partner Offerings for The Legal and Insurance Sectors Since the dawn of commercial emailing in the 1990s, cyber sleuths have been trying to one-up each other in gaining access to the accounts of famous people. It makes sense, in a cynical […]
Who Needs To Count Sheep When You Have eSignature Legalese? File this article under the ‘news-you-can-use’ category. We know some of our RSign customers use big-name law firms that can transform any simple legal concept into complex legalese that can make any non-lawyer nearly doze off (or break out in a cold sweat) after reading […]
Bad Things Come in Small Packages; Good Things Come in No Packaging at All We at Tech Essentials had been hoping to have at least a one-week respite from any talk of COVID, and we were sooo close this week…until I saw an article about a British mathematician who calculated that, based on there being two […]
In recent briefings, we have reported on Internet criminals’ behavior with regards to researching their victims’ professional profiles and associations (using LinkedIn recruiter tools, for example) and using these social cues to lure unsuspecting victims into sending money to imposter accounts.
Lawyers have always had a duty to be competent in technology, but the ABA Model Rule put this duty in writing, impacting cybersecurity practices. Twenty states have followed the ABA’s lead and adopted a duty of technological competence, all but requiring encryption.
2018 was a busy year in the cyber world; in particular, in the areas where we focus — messaging security, privacy compliance, e-delivery and eSign productivity.
RPost today announced the US Federal Court in California has now re-affirmed the validity of its US Patent 6182219 by granting RPost’s motion for summary judgment on a counterclaim of invalidity. RPost brought suit against a number of companies in 2011 for infringing some of its 35 patents, the validity of which those defendants challenged.
Looking Back at A Year of Optimizing 2020 has been a year nobody will forget any time soon, and it presented every one of us with unprecedented challenges in our personal and professional lives. At RPost, we sought to adapt to these new realities by offering solutions designed specifically to help you, the user or […]
February 13, 2025
February 07, 2025
January 31, 2025
January 24, 2025
January 17, 2025